Hi there! A sub-account user under your main account on AZInsight is sending you this link because the Amazon Connection on AZInsight has expired or has been disconnected. Please follow the steps below to re-enable this Amazon Integration.
1. Open Amazon Seller Central, click on Settings, then click on User Permissions
2. Click on Manage your Apps then locate asinzen scroll to the right and under the column labeled MWS Auth Token
3. Click on Enable and then click Next
4. Click on the checkbox to agree to the conditions and click Next
5. Copy the MWS Token and then go to https://app.asinzen.com
6. Click on your name found on the top right-hand corner and then click on Manage marketplaces
7. Copy the MWS Token that got from STEP 6 to the MWS token field
8. Click SAVE to apply the changes